Designs with Character applied on Certified Organic Kids Clothes

"Angie the Flying Orange", Girls T-Shirt, 8~12y

Angie the Flying Orange

...a little Tale...

"Once upon a time, there was a very cute little orange sitting in an Orange Tree. Her name was Angie and since she was a baby she loved the little birds and wished that she could also fly one day. All of her friends were telling her that “oranges don’t fly” but she ..."

Angie, like all her friends from “Fruits, Sports and Colours” Collection, comes with her own

Fairy Tale, D•rawing & Painting Activities,C-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n Tips

and much more, offering a great experience!

Find out all about it and enjoy

Quality Time with Your Little One !

...Absolutely Tip-Top !!!

Angie is a very demanding and hard to please Orange!

That’s why she only stands on very soft and comfortable T-Shirts made from  Certified 100% Organic Cotton Jersey 4oz/155 g.

and she only gets Printed by ink Certified to be safe even for babies.

Caring a lot for her planet and her friends she chose a T-Shirt  manufactured solely using renewable green energy & under social responsible and good labour conditions.

Angie feels very comfy printed on such a T-Shirt!

find out why
